1:1 Coaching
Who I Work With:
Teachers, coaches, entrepreneurs, facilitators, service providers, managers, leaders of organizations or groups, people who create and hold a container for any sort of group experiences.
People who work with other people and wish to increase the quality of their service through self-mastery. I work with people who want to take their work to the next level in order to enhance the impact of their service to their clients.
What I Want You To Know:
My 1st priority is to create and hold a reverent space of self-discovery. My intent is to support you in strengthening your abilities to teach and heal yourself. To strengthen how you hold the container for your self as this is directly related to how you create and hold a container for the people you serve.
My work is primarily based on the Delicate Lodge Teachings. That is my primary way of connecting with All of Life. And I believe all modalities of energy work and wisdom are part of Medicine Wheel of Life.
Having a 6-month minimum commitment is helpful to create traction and forward movement with whatever the area of focus is. My exchange per call between $250-$300 per hour paid the week of the call through either Paypal, Squarecash, or personal check. (Payment plans and flexibilities available.)
I find having a call 1 x a month for 1 hour is a good frame for getting to the meat of what’s emerging for you and to unfold the next steps forward.
A clear, vital connection between us is necessary to foster trust, depth, and learning; therefore I ask we meet through video conferencing.
Everything is up for redesigning along the way. If something doesn't work for you or me, then we shift it together and create a new agreement. It is life birthing, life growing and life nurturing! It is my intention that our works feels light, nourished, happy, challenging, and authentic.
Keep in mind that I like to have discovery sessions before we begin coaching to make sure you and I are a good match for mentoring and learning. (I learn from you, too!) Contact me here to get started on your journey to self-mastery, realization, and wholeness.
“SunOtter is a breath of life. She challenges me to rise to my higher self in all situations, most recently seeing that I needed to be nudged to stand on my own two feet in my new work. She helped me to see where I was able to source what I needed for myself. SunOtter is strong and loving, always leading me and helping me lean into my next area of growth.”