“She knows how to give tough love when needed but also when to just crack a joke and have everyone join her in her heartfelt laughter.”
— Liberto Pereda; Spain
“The impact of our work together was enormous growth. I grew as a teacher, in skill, competence and confidence. I grew as a woman, as I met my personal challenges along the way. I learnt about leadership as a woman, and about leading from Love.”
— Sue Goodwin, StarJaguar; England
“Her ability to evoke my talents and gifts and the loving way of challenging me to be and do what I really burn for is brings it all to the beauty of her work. SunOtter is a truly powerful and sincere woman that will do whatever is needed to support me to what I strive for. Ensuring in deep integrity to let me find out for myself.”
— Urs Gantenbein "Change Artist"; Switzerland
“I would recommend SunOtter for anyone looking to start taking action and move towards their dream life. If you are someone who is not afraid of being asked difficult questions that are sure to help you gain clarity in your life and work, then she is the right person for you.”
— Asanda Kaka, creative-project leader; South Africa
“How do you spell H E R O? Well, that’s very easy— Rita SunOtter Martinico! I had the pleasure to work with SunOtter for more than a year. Rita combines her fantastic skills to shift organizational structures with excellent communication skills. SunOtter has the incredible ability to understand what is going on on a deeper level. This means that she can point to the challenges that are holding you and your organization back and you might not want to hear. With her respect and honest care for people, she finds the perfect words to challenge you and your organization to develop and grow for good.””
— Cedric Zaugg, Educator at Kaospilots; Switzerland
“SunOtter helped our group to truly evolve. When she arrived, we were stuck in a rut where a few individuals were “in charge” and it was not serving the group. We felt stagnant. I was one of the people who was steering things, and I did not realize I was in a position of power until SunOtter came and helped us to surface the dynamics that were harming the group. As a result of SunOtter’s tenacious and compassionate support, we now have refined protocols to support decision-making and communication, and each member has opportunities to step into leadership roles. Our community looks completely different than it did when she first arrived. The work we have done with SunOtter has truly helped me to see the impact of individuals on a community and the power of a community to help individuals to grow.”
— Eric Wardisko, Meditation Teacher, Seattle, Washington, USA