Training Fire Circles
Kiva time invites Earth’s dreamers to slow down and align with the restoring song of WahKahn during the four Kiva moons.
Each Kiva moon has a different tune calling you to connect to what has been, what is, what is emerging and what will be. We invite you to listen to this song, along with other trained seekers*, and meet around a virtual Kiva fire during this time to reconnect to and deepen your wisdom as a dreamer at cause.
We will:
Meet five times around the virtual Kiva fire. Training calls will last between 1.5 to 2 hours each.
In each call, we open the energy of each moon and offer ways for accessing and working with that energy between calls.
Share our dreams, gems, insights, and harvest and learn from the experience
to move deeper.
Tuition Investment: $1000 USD (or 2 payments of $500 USD)
Registration: Interested in Joining a Training Circle in 2025? Sign up below to learn more.
Sign up by completing the information below or email to tell SunOtter you are in!
(For Beginners)
The Heart of Listening is a one or two year journey where new seekers, no prior training needed, will:
Practice inner listening and harness their inner wisdom
Learn how their relationship to the present moment can enhance their relationships and connections with all of life
Learn to listen to life's larger energy to increase your consciousness
Rededicate yourself to your personal development in order to support your own change and growth
Consciously awaken yourself to the current universal evolution
This training fire series includes quarterly in-person ceremonies with ongoing support through virtual community and coaching calls in between.
Tuition Investment: $12,500
Registration: Currently Closed. Be the first to know when registration for the next training opens. To learn about hosting a Heart of Listening series in your area or community Contact SunOtter by clicking the button below.
(For Alumni of the Kiva Dreamer Circle)
A continued training program for seekers to continue the journey of growth from the Kiva time into the Rainbow Lodge moons. The seeds are ripe to be put into the Earth now and nurtured into their destiny. In concert with Mother Life, we dedicate ourselves to the growth, the manifestation of the dream seeds. With continued guidance, this training fire takes seekers to the next level of embodiment of the teachings of manifestation.
We meet once each month over the course of 8 months (Mid-April to Mid-November) to support the manifestation of your dreams
In-between calls you’ll work on assignments or self-assignments
Group is made up of international medicine community
This group is only open to participants who have completed kiva circle.
Each seeker creates a container to continue using medicine tools to create the life that they yearn for
Tuition Investment: $1200 total (or 2 payments of $650)
Registration: Be the first to know when registration opens by clicking the button below.